
Showing posts with the label How to get your mobile site speed up

Tips to get your mobile site speed up

Get your mobile site up to speed An engineer knows that every decision can impact performance, so projects must be continually assessed to develop the optimal design. It’s like keeping a bike fast— you have to keep tuning it up, or else you’ll end up with a slow mode of transportation.Your mobile site is no different. Improving your mobile site speed requires clear assessment of the problem, executing solutions and monitoring impact. The good news is that the tools to improve mobile speed are easily accessible. This guide will walk through the steps you 1. Measure your site’s performance Before you try to fix anything, you need to assess your site and learn what exactly is slowing it down. These tools provide the best measurement and metrics for mobile speed.PageSpeed Insights analyzes your site performance, scoring its speed and user experience and identifies issues to fix. The best practice is a score of 85 or above.1 Webpagetest provides a Speed Index that indica